As the most tumultuous year in our memories comes to a close, many of the business leaders I work
We did it!
The world was faced with an unimaginable global pandemic that we were not prepared for. But through agility, resilience, strategic thinking, and risk-taking, business leaders around the world mobilized and overcame extreme adversity. If we can do that, imagine how much better we can run our businesses!
The Global Economy
Despite the global pandemic, the global economy is very healthy. All of the key economic indicators such as inflation, growth, demand, and capacity are in balance. The only indicator that is not aligned is unemployment and most leaders believe it will get back to under 5% by Q2 2021, which all things being equal is more than healthy. These positive indicators should enable leaders to feel comfortable planning for an executing growth strategies in the coming months.
Geopolitical Factors
The US election is over, and people are ready to move on. The significant majority of the population want to return to the normalcy of good bipartisan debate in a respectful manner that provides opportunities to work with countries around the world to form a more integrated global economy. As we look forward, don’t underestimate the shift of global economic power back to the Middle East. The peace process has taken significant form and a united Arab-Israeli environment will have a positive impact for decades to come in terms on innovative energy, technology, and tourism.
The Vaccines
The COVID-19 vaccine will be in full distribution by July, 2021 and by the end of the year the planet will be inoculated. There is hope, a plan, and light at the end of the tunnel that should make all business leaders happy.
The Process of Developing the Vaccine
Take a moment to reflect. In less than a year, the world pulled together and developed at least 6 potential vaccines. It is a monumental achievement and when you step back and think about what was done, it should make leaders happy that innovation in any area can be accelerated.
The New Reality of Productivity
Most of the business leaders I work with are amazed at how much more productive their non-manufacturing-based workers have been working remotely. It is a forgone conclusion that most organizations will never go back to the way it was and that has made leaders (and stockholders) thrilled for the prospects of 2021 and beyond.
Healthier Planet
Almost every company Advantexe is working with has a 2030 and beyond sustainability strategy. We have been working on a new Sustainability simulation to support the development of skills and tools. One of the most interesting impacts of the new reality of remote work is less travel and less pollution. Business leaders should be very happy that their sustainability plans will be greatly enhanced by this new reality of work.
Healthier Lifestyles, Healthier Employees
I am amazed at the number of people I speak with who have purchased at-home exercise equipment like the Peloton bike. People are taking it seriously and many of the leaders we work with have noticed and are very happy that their employees are healthier because they are eating better, exercising better, sleeping better, and less stressed about commuting to work.
Better Sense of Community
Business leaders are very happy that their cultures are healthier and there is a better sense of community. The pandemic and the issues related to social injustice have brought community to the forefront of thought and leaders are nurturing and supporting it for both the betterment of mankind as well as their businesses.
The Work-Learning-Life Balance
The last one on this list is near and dear to the hearts of the Advantexe team and to many of our clients. We have had a disruption of the way employees learn and build new skills and business leaders are thrilled. Instead of spending money on travel, food, and lodging, businesses are able to double their training budgets and create real scale through virtual learning. These new virtual learning solutions are shorter in duration, use technologies like business simulations, and easily fit into the new work, learning, life balance.