Sue Laks

Sue is CEO of Real Media Fusion where she guides creative and strategic offline and online media planning and buying
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Targeting Healthcare Providers, Patients & Consumers during Covid19

By Sue Laks | Aug 12, 2020 8:09:32 AM

Since COVID-19 has emerged in the US, we have seen a multitude of new trends appear that are pertinent to healthcare providers, patients, and payors.


Physicians and patients have learned to embrace telemedicine and telehealth and Pharma companies have had to bench their sales forces due to social distancing requirements. As a result, Pharma Marketers are increasingly relying on virtual platforms and digital media to connect with their customers.


Additionally, we’ve seen the line continue to blur between home and office and work and leisure time. We’ve seen significant swings in the use of digital media and technology among HCPs as well as the population as a whole. Social media and video calls have replaced face-to-face interactions; paid search trends have dramatically increased; streaming video subscriptions and viewing have soared, we’ve seen a heightened demand for news content, and with the surge in vacationers driving to their summer destinations, Outdoor has made a huge comeback as well.

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