Welcome to the rest of 2024 and beyond. The business world continues to evolve and change in so
As business ecosystems, models, and cultures continue to evolve at this rapid pace, the need for enhanced capabilities also continues to change as quickly.
But something has happened to training and development. Something has fundamentally changed in the way organizations and the people within the organizations view capabilities and the way to get them. It’s no longer providing traditional training programs or even traditional eLearning.
As a result of the prolific changes to business and cultures of business, the training and development space is continually evolving, driven by technological advancements, changing workforce demographics, and evolving business needs. Traditionally, “training” was the process of providing the content, process, and tools to increase capabilities. Now, it is something very different.
The table and descriptions that follow present our thoughts on this evolution:
Length and time |
5 Day in-person training programs |
90-minute Masterclasses |
Methodologies |
Immersive, discovery-based learning |
Just tell me what to do learning |
Usage |
Maybe use this skill in the future |
Use this skill now |
Scalability |
Scalable, learning for all |
Micro-learning built just for me |
Specific to Broad |
Specific, topical learning |
Life-long learning |
Impact |
Capture the impact through “smile sheets” |
Capture the impact |
Culture |
Work until it hurts |
Wellness and mental health training |
Length and time
What was once a norm of multiple days for training has turned into a demand for shorter bursts that get right to the point. The entire corporate world is being forced to adapt. Some wonder if we are starving capabilities by not providing and insisting on more time for learning. But when you start getting just 50% of the people who signed up for a traditional training program showing up, the point is mute.
What Works Now: Microcontent and microsimulations
It used to be you threw learners into a training program and they would figure it out through immersion and discovery. Now, learners don’t have the patience or desire for that approach and are demanding content that just tells them what to do.
What Works Now: Microcontent and application tools.
It used to be that organizations would present learners with a portfolio of training topics and competencies and hope that someday they would use them as they advance through the organization through promotions. Today’s learners want instant application of new content and refuse to accept a drop more than they are going to need.
What Works Now: Case studies, role plays, simulation.
One of the former foundations of instructionally designing a training program was that it was “scalable” in terms of being rolled out over time. Sometimes it would take a few months, and sometimes it would take several months (12-18), but inevitably it could reach the masses. Today’s learners want content and learning experiences built just for them and have no interest in signing up for a class next November. And, they want it at a low cost.
What Works Now: AI-enabled Microcontent and Microsimulations
Specific to Lifelong
Despite high employee turnover, employees are forcing large companies to evolve past specific, “this-is-what-you-need-for-your-job-today,” to provide more general skills that benefit them and their requests for lifelong learning. That presents an interesting challenge between the company needing specific skills and the employees wanting more general ones. The employees are going to win.
What Works Now: Microcontent and Microsimulations that are part of a coordinated strategy for building levels of lifelong skills that can also be used for specific applications.
The traditional “smile sheet” that is passed out at the end of a training program is less effective and checks a box. There are great new tools available to measure the real impact and ROI of training. Recently, Advantexe started using Metrics that Matter and we are very pleased with how we can present the effectiveness and impact of our work.
What Works Now: AI-enabled tools such as Metrics that Matter.
The “work until it hurts” mentality and culture is being replaced with a kinder, softer approach. Wellness and mental health training is a real and important part of the future and a necessity for long-term success.
What Works Now: Microcontent and microsimulations
Yes, everything has changed. Some may say for the worse, and some may say for the better. The reality of the situation is that organizations are always going to need enhanced capabilities to execute their strategies. The tools, processes, methods, and approaches are radically different. As you can see what works now, is shorter bursts of microcontent, microsimulation, and an infusion of AI where applicable.